I hope this is a trend …


You would think with a cast that includes Jennifer Hudson, Idris Elba, James Corden, Rebel Wilson, Judy, Dench, and Ian McKellan, that a movie would at least break even at the box office.  Not so! According to many articles on the internet, the movie Cats is a HUGE box office bomb that is on track to lose millions of dollars!


Personally, this makes me happy.  I truly hope that these movie remakes continue to fail miserably!  I am SO done with the lack of originality in Hollywood! It seems that all producers know how to make these days are remakes of something that has already been made.  Why?

Hollywood should be ashamed of the crap that they are producing these days!  I have posted this argument before and I will continue to do so, as it is one of my biggest pet peeves!  It has become painfully obvious that all they care about is money, and will do whatever it takes to make an over abundance of it with little work at all.  There are millions of books available with original stories available on the shelves of libraries around the world, yet Hollywood will take something that is familiar and remake it with little or radicle changes (a female James Bond?!).  Originality is non-existent in Hollywood today.

If they are not remaking a classic (and believe me, you can do an internet search right now and there are no less than 30 movies currently being considered that are all remakes), then they are throwing together a big cast of actors to voice an animated feature with little or no story line (a friend of mine on Facebook just went to see that Will Smith spy cartoon and said it was awful.  That being said, there have been some very good animated features in the past few years, and in order to get in on the money, many studios are just throwing crap together!).

If a remake or cartoon won’t work, then Hollywood will take a film that had great success and make …. a sequel!  Look at the number of sequels some movies have had!!  Come on people, wake up!  98% of these sequels are just the SAME STORY with a twist or two.  It is getting ridiculous!  After the 3rd sequel, even the stars of the film don’t care – they know they are going to  get their paycheck no matter what!


It’s not just on the big screen either!  Before Christmas, Norman Lear and Jimmy Kimmel once again did a live show where they redid an original script from All In The Family and Good Times (they did the Jeffersons last time).  I blogged about this before, but I will say again … if this is nothing more than a word by word reproduction of shows with new actors trying to be imitate the actors and actresses associated with these iconic roles, why would I watch it?  I would rather see the original.  Carroll O’Connor IS Archie Bunker, no matter how good a job Woody Harrelson does!  Again – NO ORIGINALITY!

I could write an entire blog on the topic of the content of these 70’s shows, and argue that if it is ok to air this reproduction with a warning about content, then why aren’t the originals running in reruns on a regular basis?!  I won’t.

For now, let me just say that I hope that Cat’s loses millions – even billions!  I hope that future remakes and crappy sequels do the same!  I pray that someone in Hollywood realizes that there are so many great stories that would be perfect for the big screen that have NEVER been made into movies.  THOSE are the movies that I want to see!  Until then, I will continue to save my hard earned money, watch the originals, and hope that people will stop shelling out money to pad your pockets with money that deserves to go to whoever wrote the original story in the first place!


3 thoughts on “I hope this is a trend …

  1. They want to go for name recognition and the easy buck. The story is already written so they don’t have to worry about that. It looks like they would wake up. Remakes are either…A: Step by step remake of the original…so what is the point? or B: they change the plot so much they mangle it.

    I would rather go to the theater to see old movies on the big screen. We have done that recently…The Shining, Batman 1989, The Godfather 2, and Superfly…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the great treats for me and my boys was seeing It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World on the big screen! I had hoped to get to see Smokey & the Bandit when it was out for it’s 40th anniversary, and didn’t make it. I had never seen Godfather on the big screen until they showed it for the 30th anniversary – and that was amazing!! There are a few theaters that show classic films and I love going to those!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We have one in Nashville…they played It’s A Wonderful Life recently but we missed it. It changes the movie on big screen…

        My wife got me an Oculus for Christmas…a cheaper version…it’s a VR headset…in one setting it really feels I’m in a theater watching any movie that I own on the big screen.


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