We Match

In the almost 5 years that Sam and I have been married, we have never had matching outfits. Ok, there was one year we had matching Christmas Pajamas, but they don’t count. I think holiday PJ’s are totally ok, especially for photos and Christmas cards. However, I highly doubt that you will ever see Sam and I together in outfits like the ones pictured above.

Apparently, matching outfits were “a thing” back in the day. When I did a Google search for “Silly Matching Outfits” there were plenty of horrific photos that popped up. Here is another one –

REALLY!? Those are just terrible!! And this one is even worse –

It seems that the above is bedroom attire, but are matching PJ’s a thing? I don’t know.

Let me say that I do think it is ok to have kids match for pictures. My mom and dad obviously dressed my brother and I in the same suits one Easter –

Ella and Andrew had matching PJ’s for our Christmas photos and they were cute. Again, these were for a holiday shoot.

When we did family photos not too long ago, we all wore something that complimented the other outfits, but they were not matching outfits. We’re getting ready to have the kids pictures taken again for Easter and the outfits will certainly go together, but won’t be exact.

I say all of this because Sam and I will never EVER be seen in outfits like this –

….. unless it is for Halloween! However, we will match in another way.

While out shoe shopping this weekend, she mentioned wanting to get a pair of “Hey Dude” shoes. I had no idea what these were. She found the ones she wanted and on the way to the register, she saw they had them in men’s sizes, too. She wanted me to try them on. I hesitated, but I did. They were actually really comfortable. So I bought a pair … and yes, we match!

6 thoughts on “We Match

  1. Oh I bet you have some of those matching yellow and blue striped pants stashed away in some closet, don’t you!? Funny pix! My sweetie and I typically have quite different fashion sensibilities but we do have a matching plaid shirt (the kiddo too) that she made a point of getting us two years back with the idea we’d take Christmas portraits all wearing them, which I thought was a good idea . That didn’t happen, but we still have the shirts so maybe sometime soon

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  2. I couldn’t agree more with you about matching outfits being a thing of the past. It’s funny to look back on old photos and cringe at the matching outfits that were once considered fashionable. However, I have to admit that I do find it cute when kids match for pictures. It’s a fun way to show off their sibling bond and create a memorable moment. But when it comes to adults, I think it’s best to leave the matching outfits behind. It’s important to express our individuality and personal style, and matching outfits can often take away from that. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s just plain awkward to show up to a party with your significant other wearing the same outfit. So, my question to you is, have you ever been in a situation where you unintentionally matched with someone else? And if so, how did you handle it?


    1. I have! As a kid, we were camping and a family had on the same shirt as me, It was 1976 and it must have been a thing to have these bicentennial style shirts with your school name on them. We all thought it was neat. As an adult, I once went to a Christmas party and a coworker had the same “Ugly Sweater” which we obviously both got at Walmart. It was a good laugh and every one had to take pictures of the unintentional “twins.”


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