Resolutions or Goals?

I subscribe to some daily writing prompts that will occasionally wind up as a good blog idea. I’d say I use about less than 5% of them, as most of them don’t really strike a chord with me. Every single one of these prompts said to write about my New Year’s Resolutions or Goals for the New Year. My buddy believes that resolutions and goals are the same, but they really are not.

A “resolution” is a firm decision by a person to do or not do something. A “goal” is the object of a person’s ambitions or effort; an aim or desired result. See, a goal is the final product, if you will. With a goal, you prepare, you plan, you set forth your intentions to achieve this final result (the goal) by taking specific actions. A resolution is a “promise” to yourself to do something, while a goal has a specific target.

Do I have resolutions? I guess so. They are probably the same resolutions that many people have: eat more veggies, drink more water, lose weight, be more active, etc. I just need to not do what I do every year and fall of the wagon on these.

I want to make some specific resolutions regarding my role as a husband:

  • I will say “I love you” every day.
  • I will spend more time together – monthly date night.
  • I will pray together.
  • Show more appreciation for all she does.
  • Listen more.

I also have some specific resolutions regarding my role as a father:

  • More one on one time with each of my children.
  • More play time
  • Be more mindful of the words I speak.
  • Read more books and the Bible together.
  • More outside time – walks, catch, etc.
  • Be an example!

There is one thing that I would like to accomplish that I am ashamed to admit I have never done. I have never actually read the bible in it’s entirety in a year’s time. In one of my classes, the teacher actually said that as students, we should strive to read it through at least once or twice a year. It always seemed like a very big task.

Recently, a Facebook friend posted a plan with specific passages to read every day, and by doing it, you’d read through the entire Bible in one year. I printed out the “plan” and I intend to do just that. I know with the classes, I’m going to have to make some extra time, but it needs to be done! My goal is to have each week’s worth of passages with me and to read whenever I get the chance.

Do you set goals for yourself in the new year? Do you make resolutions? What things help you to keep on track?

5 thoughts on “Resolutions or Goals?

  1. Lovely goals for 2021!
    I started following the lunar calendar to set goals since Aug 2020. I write down my goals on the day of the new moon. On the full moon, I revise where I am at with my goals and try to finish outstanding ones until the next new moon. Of course, I don’t manage to accomplish all my goals, but I manage to accomplish almost half of them:) Let’s see how long I will keep up with this habit 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting. Never thought about following the lunar calendar. I guess that would really help you kind of keep on top of the goals and refining how to reach them.

      Biggest issue for me is being accountable to myself! Working midnights is very difficult. It always seems like you never get enough sleep, and are just grabbing whatever is quick and easy to eat. That, and the fact that I sit in front of a computer all night… Makes it very difficult to get a handle on weight loss.

      I know it sounds childish, but sometimes I think I have to put a piece of construction paper with all of my goals in big black letters so I’m reminded of them everyday


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