Being a Bit More Careful

Click bait, according to an online definition is: “something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest.” While I don’t think this is the case, I do find it very suspicious.

Have you noticed this in your blog notifications lately? There will be a “like” from someone I don’t know. They almost always have a real person’s name. Now, in the past, if someone liked a post, I would go to their site to see if it might be one I’d want to follow. That is, until recently.

Just today a post from a few days ago got “likes” from people I didn’t know. However, if you look closely at them, you’ll notice something odd:

“Tony,” “Madelyn,” and “mary” all have this “” link attached to their “page.” There have been plenty more people with this same type of link. A few weeks ago, I clicked on a person’s picture and saw the “” link pop up in the browser and I exited quickly. I never did see where the link went.

Has anyone else noticed this? I find this kind of stuff SO very annoying!

10 thoughts on “Being a Bit More Careful

  1. I haven’t seen this particular one, but on our Once Upon a Time in The 70s blog, we get a ‘Like’ that seems ti renew itself from what looks to be a DIY blog / website … but only one particular post. Also on my Ceeteejackson blog, I have a post about me giving on chocolate and sweets … and again, there are repeated ‘likes’ that appear in my Inbox quite frequently from a few Diet / Slimming businesses.
    I’m puzzled. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t had a LOt of that but that Mary Yang you illustrated in that screenshot of yours did give me a ‘like’ too. Kind of like you, if I see a ‘like’ from some brand new name, I usually see if they are listed as having a blog and at times might click on one or two of their posts to see what they’re about, but not everyone has one listed. What is a .to extension, any ideas?
    On a similar but different topic – how about Temu? All of a sudden I’m inundated with ads for it on my phone, and I’m hearing bad things about them being a Chinese company installing malware through it. To me, I right away thought ‘something’s up with them’. No one gives you a camera drone for just signing up or has high-end looking running shoes for $2 etc, so I stayed away.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No idea about the .to extension, Dave. That’s a good question.

      As far as Temu, yes, they are everywhere! I see the ads on Facebook, and other sites. I thought the same thing. I avoided it completely.


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