New Year’s Prayer

Last night we were all in bed by 10 O’clock. AJ started stirring about 4am. I walked to his bassinet, picked him up and brought him back to bed with me.

I just held him in my arms and looked at him. I began to reflect and then I began to pray. I don’t post this here for any reason other than for it to be a reminder to myself of the things that I discussed with God today.

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus,

Thank you for a new day and a new year. I realize that time and dates are much different to us than they are to You. As the world begins to celebrate new beginnings, I come to You in thanksgiving.

Thank You for this wonderful miracle I hold in my arms. I am humbled that You have allowed me to be a father again. I hope that I will not fail in raising AJ to know You. I ask that You please help me to always be patient and understanding with him.

Thank You for my daughter, Ella. I thought I knew joy before she came along, and I did, but never to the extent that I do because of her. Thank You for blessing me with her. She’s my only girl, Lord, so I will do my best to raise her right. One of my favorite things to do with her is pray to You before bed. Isn’t her “Amen” cute? I pray that we will raise her to love You and be a Godly woman.

Thank You for my wife, Sam. She has helped me in more ways than I can count. She is a voice of reason, keeps me focused and balanced. She is lovingly unselfish. She is forever doing for others. She is such a wonderful mother to the kids. She truly loves me and I am so in love with her.

Thank You for my son’s Dante’ and Dimitri. Dante’ continues to grow into a compassionate and caring young man. He is always doing for others. Dimitri struggles, Lord. He needs You. Life has been rough for him. I pray that You help guide him. Help me to help him. He just needs the right direction.

Thank You for my family and friends. You know their various struggles and needs. Some are grieving the loss of loved ones, some are struggling financially, some are emotional struggling, some are suffering with health issues, and some are just lost and wondering what to do next. I pray that You give them what they need, whether it is strength, comfort, peace, or simply love.

Lord, this year, I pray for good health. I pray that You help me in my journey to get healthier. I pray that this pandemic gets under control and that life returns to some sort of normalcy. I pray for move love and less hate – less strife and more kindness.

I pray that people will come to know You. I pray that more people would read your Word. I pray that they believe the Gospel. I pray that they get saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

The world needs You more than ever this year, Lord. I pray that 2022 is much better than 2021….

In Christ’s name….


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