Another Surgery Soon

My youngest son, Andrew, has had his share of challenges in his almost two years. After his first sleep study, he was diagnosed with laryngomalacia. It was causing him to have sleep apnea. A surgery was done to correct that problem. While in surgery, a cleft was discovered and the surgeon filled it.

Three months later, he had a second sleep study and his sleep apnea index had gone down, but not quite enough. We opted to try CPAP, which meant a third (CPAP) sleep study. It worked for a while, but because of a lack of proper pediatric CPAP masks, we wound up stopping and attempting to treat it another way. Medications to help open nasal passages and the airway were prescribed and they seemed to work well, as he was sleeping a bit better (despite some louder snore).

Just before the Fourth of July, he had a fourth study and we discovered that his apnea is worse than it was last time. We also found that the laryngomalacia, which he should have grown out of by now, was still an issue.

Andrew had his visit to the ENT today and there was quite a discussion. It seems to the doctor and his colleagues that the main issue is the cleft. They will probably have to do a deeper scope to make sure there isn’t another cleft. The goal is to repair the cleft or clefts. They may remove tonsils and adenoids, too. Either way, it is a much bigger surgery than we anticipated.

He will probably be in the hospital for a few days, perhaps in ICU. We’ll be awaiting a call to schedule surgery Monday. They think it will be sometime in August or September. I found this video on YouTube, which only scared me more.

My wife and I are quite overwhelmed right now. We can only hope and pray that this will take care of Andrew’s issues and the healing will be fast and easy.

I thank you in advance for your good vibes, your positive thoughts, and prayers as we anxiously await a plan of action.

18 thoughts on “Another Surgery Soon

  1. Poor little dude -that’s an awful lot to go through before he even gets near kindergarden. Will be sending along prayers for all of you. Perhaps this is why you ended up in sleep study as a career – maybe very few parents would have noticed any problem with him without your background.

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    1. Thanks, Dave. I ran all of his studies, so I knew what I was seeing as it ran. In a way, it was nice to know our concerns were justified, but at the same time, scary to watch as it was running. Hopefully, this is the answer


  2. Poor little guy! There’s a lot that can be done now and hopefully this will solve Andrew’s problems. A word of caution to you: I know from first-hand experience how tempting it is to look things up online. It’s great to educate yourself but much of what we see is not constructive and can be overwhelming and scary. Kids easily pick up on our emotions; the last thing we want is to let them know we’re scared.
    Blessings, good thoughts and prayers for Andrew.

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