Thursday Thoughts

I’m forcing myself to write today. I have some funny things to share, and these are the type of things that have kept me going the last couple weeks.

Feeling … not right

When I got the diagnosis of ADHD recently and began the new medication, I had hoped that I would start to feel some things change. They did, but not in the way I expected. Now, I’m told that it takes 4-6 weeks for this new med to really do what it is supposed to do, and I have only been on half of the dose for a month. They are supposed to up the dose the next time I see them. I have an appointment with the place where I got my diagnosis this week, so I hope to get things sorted out.

I should not be feeling more depressed than I was before the medication, but I am. I am supposed to have my yearly physical next week and I am embarrassed to go in. All the weight I lost is back. Bad choices and emotional eating are to blame (ok, I am to blame, too!). There is no motivation. I have tried to psyche myself up to no avail. There is a program through work that I just stopped doing because I wasn’t feeling like myself and didn’t think it was helping. I have to go get bloodwork tomorrow and I always fret about what that is going to show.

I’m not saying meds are the answer, but something isn’t right. Here’s hoping that we figure it out.

Vet Visit

Daisy had a vet appointment today. She is 21 pounds already. The vet seems to think she will be bigger than we anticipated. “At least 100 pounds” Sam said.

She is totally puppy and chewing everything in sight. Housebreaking remains a challenge, but she starts her “Puppy Obedience” classes after Thanksgiving.

Ella went to the vet with Sam. When they got home, Sam says, “Hey Ella, tell daddy how they had to take Daisy’s temperature.” Without skipping a beat, she yells, “They used a butt thermometer!”

She’s still giggling about it.

Holiday Decor

While Sam and Ella were at the vet, Andrew and I put together the 8 foot arch that we got for out front. It wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated and I was able to get it up in about 30 minutes. Each bulb and the Merry Christmas sign have LED lights, so I cannot wait to see how this looks at night.

With the construction finally done, and our yard being semi-put back together, I need to get out and get some of the leaves out of the way. They have that hay with the netting all over the lawn so the grass will grow back, so I’m not sure just how much I can actually rake.

The majority of the holiday decorating is done, however, there are still a couple small things I need to do. I have those light nets for a couple of the bushes I need to get up and some lighted garland that I will put around the front door. Normally, when that is done, I am done. Not this year.

Sam wants to put an artificial tree out on the side porch this year. We didn’t want to buy a new one, so we kept an eye on Facebook marketplace for one. I asked a coworker if she knew anyone who was getting rid of a tree and she actually said she had one that had been sitting in the garage since they got one from her parents. At some point this weekend, there will be another tree to decorate.


Over the past two weeks, I finished up three tests for my Bible classes. This semester, we are in the books of Romans and Matthew. We are also in an Old Testament Survey class and a Preparation and Delivery of Sermons class.

I aced all three tests. They were tough. I plan on using my lunch break at work daily to watch the classes and take tests. It’s a nice, because usually no one is in the building, so it is uninterrupted.

Brotherly Q & A

My brother, who has written a couple times for this blog in a “guest” role contacted me and said he really enjoyed it. So he thought it would be cool to think of some holiday themed questions to ask each other. He sent me his, and I was surprised that I had a lot of the same questions on my list. I combined the two lists into one and we’re going to share with each other. Some of the questions are more personal or family oriented, but I may share those answers here. We’ll see.

Thanks for reading!

8 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts

  1. Hang in there bud, but mention to your doctor when you go for that visit how the meds seem to be making you depressed. Maybe that’s normal and you come out of it but maybe it’s a side effect and that might be worse than the initial problem it’s trying to cure.
    Reading this, I don’t want to appear to be rude, presumptious or preachy but it occurs to me – maybe you’re trying to do a little too much lately? Maybe that’s a part of the fatigue or depression. I mean, it’s outstanding all that you do get done but it seems like you’re always doing something , whether it’s working outside or going to appointments or working inside on the house… all excellent but is it possible you’re getting a bit burned out? Sorry if I offend, it’s obviously your business, not ours, but it did occur to me.
    the arch looks nice, I bet it’ll look really good illuminated at night!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Keith it will get better man… I wish I could say more but I never had a long depression problem…I get that way but so far mine is controllable…so I am not in your shoes.
    Just talking about it helps though…that I know. Keep up with how you feel with that medicine though. Sorry dude…I’ve been gone for 2 weeks…just got back today.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great job on passing your tests!!

    I was recently put on meds for anxiety and they messed me all up. My October was a nightmare. I didn’t want to get out of bed, I had to force myself, and despite being starving I couldn’t eat. I would put food in my mouth and it made me ill. It was awful. I took them only two weeks and had to stop due to the eating issue. It is hard to find the right medication sometimes. I will pray that you find your answer soon, and feel better.

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