Merry and Bright

Before Thanksgiving, there was a perfect 70 degree day.  That was the day I should have put the Christmas lights up outside.  I didn’t.  Thankfully, I took advantage of a breezy 50ish degree day and was outside rigging up the lights.

After I finished, the following conversation took place between my wife and me:

Sam: Uh, what’s that big bunch of wires wrapped to the post?

Me: So, there was a strand of lights where only half were lighting up. Those are the ones that didn’t light up!

Sam: That really looks bad

Me:. No one’s gonna see those from outside. Especially in the dark!!

Man logic. 

I was not about to go through bulb by bulb to check them.  (I actually swapped out the first bulb that was out, but when it didn’t work, I was done with that!). And I certainly wasn’t going to buy an entire new strand of lights!  I had already gone through the countless strands and replaced those bulbs that were physically broken.  That took enough of my time. 

So behind a post, there is a bunch of bulbs wrapped together … And out of site from anyone looking at it from the front.

These don’t work!

When all is said and done, it looks good at night!

Side porch.  Lit up and festive.

I really need to do more in the front of the house.  I always feel like it’s not enough.

Front porch

The ground was already hard, so I couldn’t get the stakes in for the large Christmas bulbs we usually put out.  So their absence already makes it look “half done.”

I really need to get a big ladder. We don’t have one. I’m sure I could probably borrow one from a neighbor, but I never ask. I would love to do up along the roof. Those icicle lights would probably look good and can’t be that hard to hang.

Maybe next year.

8 thoughts on “Merry and Bright

    1. Agree! In fact, I think that it’s those bursts of “extra” light and slight imperfections create more beauty, more interest, more to look at. I say create more “clusters of light and magic” for next year! If you give them the right name, you may even be able to resell the clusters as a “specialty item”? 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  1. “No one’s gonna see those from outside. Especially in the dark!!”
    Makes sense to me Keith! Oh wait…yea we are in the same club lol.

    Liked by 1 person

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