Wednesday Randomness

The last few posts have been all about books, so I figured I would just toss out a bit of an update.

We Have Curbs

The road project is almost done! We have curbs! We should have a street soon and hopefully sidewalks and the rest of my driveway, too! This headache cannot be over fast enough!

I’m on the Google!

A good friend of mine is getting ready for a trip to Italy. He’s been learning a bit of Italian in preparation for the trip. Because he is my friend, and as weird as I am, he decided to Google whether or not the School House Rock songs from the 70’s were available in Italian! When he did his search … who popped up??

THIS is why we are friends (among other things)!

In over 5 years, I’ve never noticed!

Andrew will be two in less than a week, so Sam and I took the kids to get pictures. We also did some family photos.

In the 5 years we have been married, and all of the pictures we have had taken, we’ve never printed them out to hang them. Sure, we have some that we had done on the wall, but there are so many that need to be hung.

Sam told me how she wanted to redo a wall in the living room and we began to go through photos to see which ones we wanted to hang up. As we talked, she said we should probably patch the wall and maybe repaint. The following conversation took place:

Me: You know what we should do?

Sam: What?

Me: When we paint, we should make one wall a different color.

Sam stared at me like I was growing a third eyeball.

Me: What?

Sam points to the wall next to me and says, “THAT wall IS a different color!”

I turned and looked. I swear, it did not look different! The way the light hits it, I never noticed the two being different.

Me: No it’s not!

Sam: YES, it is!

So I get up and walk over to the corner where the two walls meet …

Me: Well, how about that!? It really is a different color!

Sam just stared at me in disbelief.

Yes, we have lived together for 6 years. I never noticed!

Wish Me Luck

I should know tomorrow what the results of all that ADHD testing shows. I’m hoping for some answers!

They are the sunshine of my life

I love the fall whether, even if it does feel more like summer. I just love spending time outside with the kids!

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