A Proud Son

I waited until he posted about this first, and now I want to share it with you. It brought me to tears.

First, let me say the pride a father feels in his children. The father-son bond is a special one. All too often, we lose sight of the pride that a son has for their father. Our dad is our hero. He is our role model. He is a teacher and giver of advice. My dad is all of that to me and more.

I have written about my dad and his time in the army here before. He was in Vietnam. I didn’t learn till I was older all the things he went through there and back home. When I came to partially understand those things, I felt more pride for him than ever. Well, that pride grew a bit more this weekend.

Let me let my dad tell you what happened. Here is his Facebook post:

Yesterday after around 11:15 am, a car pulled up in front of my house it had QOV on the door of the car. I had no idea what this was about. She came to the door and Rose opened it her name was Lynn Lebeck and she asked for me. So I came out to the front room and in her hand she had what looked like a flag inside of it was a quilt. This organization is the Quilts of Valor. Rose nominated me for my service in Vietnam. I was chosen to receive this quilt after they reviewed information about my service. When she pulled it out of the case I was without words, Rose broke out in tears and hugged me and said “Welcome Home, Sam”. I almost lost it, and told her and Lynn, that I felt I didn’t deserve this. Lynn said “you are so wrong Sam.” Rose found out about this organization because I did a Veterans Day presentation twice at our Elementary School.

What a tremendous honor for my dad! He has often told me that he was “just doing my duty.” He is quite humble, as many veterans are. His service to our country is nothing to take lightly, in my opinion. He deserves to be recognized for it (as do ALL veterans)!

This quilt is just beautiful and will forever be treasured by my dad and our family. How awesome to think of the work it took to produce it and the love that is behind every stitch!

I have never heard of this organization. If I had, I most certainly would have nominated him for it. I am glad that Rose did and that he was chosen to receive one of these amazing quilts.

Rose is not one who likes her picture on the internet, but know that before it was cropped, she is standing proud next to me dad as he wears his quilt of valor.

I am so proud to be my father’s son. Dad, I love you and I am happy that your service was recognized. Thank you for all that you have done for me, my family, and our country.

If you know of a veteran who is deserving of this honor, you can submit a nomination at their website:


10 thoughts on “A Proud Son

  1. Superb! That’s great, happy for him and happy for you too. Well deserved on his part but it’s so good someone took notice of his duty both there and in schools and did something about it.
    I get what you mean about fathers more and more as I get older. Growing up, as a kid and a teen, my dad wasn’t my role model, it wasn’t that I disliked him , it was just he wasn’t a huge part of my daily life and I didn’t give it much thought. As I grew older and knew him as an adult myself, I gained so much respect for him and now I do find myself often reminding myself ‘what would Dad have done?’ in a tough situation , and it’s always ‘ do the right thing.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, what a wonderful tribute to your father. I know a friend of mine’s father received one of these a couple of years ago and it was such an honor. Your are right to be proud of you father.

    Liked by 1 person

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