Share Your World

Today’s Share Your World questions from Di can be found here:

Here are this week’s random questions

Do you have a lot of friends or do you know a lot of people?

I would say both. I have more “core” set of friends that I’ve known since my school years. I’ve also got friends from radio and work.

At the same time, all my years in radio allowed me to meet many people. I know people in law enforcement, local government, local retailers, and more.

I also know many people through friends who share my faith. Pastors, other bible students, and people I have met at bible conferences and online bible groups.

If you are at a party and know very few of the guests, do you mingle and introduce yourself, sit on the sidelines and people watch, or discreetly leave?

One of the things about working in radio was that I can strike up a conversation with almost anyone. I really enjoy talking to people. I love finding out things about them and finding things we have in common. However, there have been occasions where I have kept to myself. If I don’t feel comfortable, I will leave.

What is the best job you have ever had?

I don’t think that is a secret, especially if you know me. My radio job was the best! I got to do things and meet people I would have never done if it hadn’t been for that job. I’ve interviewed celebrities, hung out with famous singers, and met life long friends because of radio.

Can you swim?

Yes. I’ve always loved the water. Ironically, I hated swim class in gym. It was probably just the embarrassment of those awful swim trunks and having to to shower in front of other classmates. I also never really liked learning the various “strokes” they were trying to teach us. I was never going to be on the swim team, so I didn’t see the need.

As a kid, I never minded swimming in a lake or in the ocean. Today, I hate it. A comedian one said “Fish function” in lakes and that really stuck with me. I hate when one actually brushes up against me while swimming now!! I’ll stay in a pool, thank you.

6 thoughts on “Share Your World

  1. Good answers. I tend to hate big parties where. I don’t know many people. I’m basically one of those types that can be really open, friendly, at times funny with those I know well & feel comfortable with. But too many strangers makes me uncomfortable. I have had jobs where I had to talk to hundreds though, and did alright as long as I could be a ‘comosny rep’ or else limit it to a line or two of small talk.

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