Jotting Down Some Randomness

The past week has been one of change and challenges for me. I am usually not lacking things I want to write about, but the past few days have been … well, busy. I’ve jotted little random thoughts in my “possible blog” notebook but none of them really warrants a full blown blog. So I decided to throw many of them all together for you. Consider it a Blogging Smorgasbord.

(Mental note: Use Smorgasbord in a sentence today. Check!)

Afternoon Adjustment

One of the biggest changes for me has been the switch from midnights to afternoons. Things have been very busy at work and I know that there are a lot of things that I still need to learn. However, I’ve sort of settled in and have taken care of reviewing patient charts, scoring records, helping techs with hook ups and whatever else is needed.

It’s weird to see the “day people.” We see their names in e-mails and on orders, but to actually see them … it’s just weird. There is a small window of time between when the day folks leave and the night folks come in where the building is strangely quiet. It’s almost too quiet. I have had to make sure that I turn some music on in order for me not to get distracted by the silence.

My entire eating schedule is out of whack, too. I’m used to lunch at 11pm and dinner at 3:30am. Now, I am eating on what you would call a “normal” schedule. I also have to deal with the never ending supply of sweets and snacks from the day staff. It seems that there are always some kind of goodies on the break room table.

The best part has been being able to crawl into bed and hold my wife at night (when one of the kids isn’t in our bed!). In just one week, I feel like we have talked more like when we first got married. Both of us are rested, get up and have coffee together, and have breakfast and lunch as a family. It really is wonderful.

Date Night

Sam and I have a date night coming up this weekend. If there is ever any question as to whether I love her or not, this should prove that the answer is a resounding YES. Look, I’ve seen a few episodes of the Golden Girls here and there. Sophia reminds me of my Italian grandma. However, I wouldn’t go out of my way to see a “Golden Girls” stage show – unless my wife wanted to see it. She does and we are.

I don’t know much about the show. The Golden Girls – The Laughs Continue. I heard it is a bit “raunchier” than the actual show. My co-worker saw it tonight and said it was good. He promised to not give away any spoilers. He took his wife.

We were talking about how some people really got into it and were dressing up to go to shows like this. My wife has informed me that she has something for us to wear to the show. If I wind up in a wig and a dress, I will be sure to share pictures.

Did You Ever ….

This doesn’t happen often, but have you ever started a book with the impression that it was going to be good only to find it slow and not what you expected? I am listening to an audiobook that I borrowed based solely on the title. The unabridged audio book is just over 11 hours. I am three hours in and I am just now feeling like it might be starting to get interesting, but I’m not sure. I debated whether or not to just stop listening.

I suppose it is my fault. I usually read the synopsis before deciding on reading a book. I never did for this one. Prior to blogging, I read the synopsis and afterward asked myself, “If I had read this before adding it to my ‘to read’ list, would I have actually wanted to read it?” I’m guessing not. I will probably listen a little longer just to see what, if anything, happens. At some point, though, I need to decide whether I want to finish it or not.

I Don’t Get the Hype

Someone posted the above on Facebook and I had to steal it. I truly don’t know how to take the hype surrounding the Barbie movie. My first thought is that Hollywood’s creativity is at an all time low and this was the result of someone scraping the bottom of the barrel for a movie idea. “Oooooo! I know! Let’s make a movie about Barbie and the various versions of dolls!” How does this idea even make it up the flagpole!?

Sam actually wondered if it would be something that Ella might like. Most people who did see it said it was probably not something to take kids to. It seems that this movie is made for adults who used to play with Barbie dolls or something. Urgh.

This leads to my second thought – adults are actually willing to pay big ticket prices to actually watch this in a theater. THIS is what the general public sees as “entertainment.” At what point do they just throw together two hours of 2 to 3 minute Tik Tok or Snapchat videos and market it as a “major motion picture?!” Sure, you can watch that crap on your phone, but if they did put it in theaters, you can bet that people would flock to see it. Next thing you know, some idiot Tik Tok “star” will get an Academy Award!

It has been a LONG time since there has been a movie that has come out that I would actually want to pay to see. I’ve been fascinated by the story of Hiroshima, so the Oppenheimer movie might be something I’d go see, but the reviews are mixed. I will probably do what I usually do – wait to stream it or rent it.

New Bluey? Yes, I Will Watch!

My wife says to me today: “Have you watched the new Bluey episodes yet?”

I shout back, “What?! Are they one Disney + already? I didn’t think they were airing in the US yet!”

Yes. There are new episodes. Yes. I will watch them by myself.

I learned a long time ago that it is totally ok for an adult to watch cartoons without kids. It keeps me young!

10 thoughts on “Jotting Down Some Randomness

    1. Exactly. It’s a shame, really. I used to live going to the movies but found myself walking out disappointed more often than not. It’s like gambling – do I spend the 12 bucks on something I will regret seeing?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Loving these random thoughts, Keith. I’m sure those of us reading can relate to a couple of these points.
    I have not nor will I watch the Barbie movie. Utter drivel. I don’t get it and do not think my life will be improved one bit by watching it. I certainly would not take my granddaughter; I believe it’s rated PG-13 so you might want to think twice about taking Ella.
    We have Disney+ and I keep seeing the box to click for Bluey but we’ve never watched. Tell me; is this suitable for a 3-year-old? She is super smart and very particular about what she watches. Her favorite movie at the mo is the original animated “Alice In Wonderland” … rather advanced for a 3-year-old but she loves it and watches intently.
    Great blog(s), Keith

    PS: We definitely need both a post and pix after you see “Golden Girls”.

    PPS TO ALL KEITH’S FOLLOWERS: Guess who’ll be making a guest appearance on The Rhythm Section on August 6. Mark your calendars!


    1. I didn’t even know of Barbie’s rating. Glad you mentioned it. I really had no intention of taking her to see it.

      Ella is 3 and LOVES Bluey. I won’t lie – I love it too. There are so many wonderful episodes that both kids and adults will love. Each cartoon is 7-9 minutes. Give it a watch and let me know what you think. It’s hard for me to pick one to tell you to start with. Sleepytime is a masterpiece and one of Ella’s favorites. My favorites? Oh, so many….

      Ella watches a lot of the Princesses, too. She loves Frozen, Moana, and Pocahontas.

      I’m sure a Golden Girls post is in the future. Should be a fun night.

      I planned on mentioning the guest post this week :). Thanks for mentioning it. I’m working on my next blog for Dave’s Turntable Talk now and will have another for you soon.

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      1. That’s great info, Keith. I think we’ll check out Bluey today. It’s too hot to go outside! Colette will be here on Monday and maybe she’ll want to watch it. Right now she’s too entrenched in Alice/Wonderland!

        Hey, no prob! I figured while I was here I’d drop a little line about TRS. See you on the flip side, Keith. 😎

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you got a new sched and get to be home at night! That’s great, even if it will take awhile to adjust to a new timetable.
    On the book, once in awhile I have that too and I find if by, 40-50 pages in it’s not grabbing me at all, time to cut bait as they say and put it aside, go on to something new. It’s not high school anymore, you don’t have to finish it!
    As for Barbie, I’m not at all surprised it’s a hit movie but it’s not one I want to see. But I think Mattel will have a hard time matching the hype for other toy-based movies they apparently have in the works. But with Hollywood like it is, probably seven or eight more will be made anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I listened to a bit more last night and I can see where it seems to be heading, and will give it a little more, but the jury is still out on whether I will finish it.

      I had no idea that there were other toy based movies on the way! This just further proves my point that they will do anything to make money. It makes me sick.

      I will say, Toy Story was a brilliant idea and premise. However, I see another sequel is coming out even though they’ve pretty much exhausted this idea and they should quit while they’re ahead. They won’t, though……it’s a cash cow.

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