A Smashing Good Time

Ever feel so stressed out that you just want to break something?  I know I have.  If you need a bit of stress relief, here in Michigan there is a place for you.

I was scrolling Facebook tonight and the wife of a high school buddy posted photos of my friend busting up stuff.  He was suited up in some sort of hazmat-looking outfit and a face shield.  She posted videos and pictures of him in a room with glass bottles/plates and he was smashing them up with baseball bats, golf clubs, and a variety of other stuff.

I have no idea how the whole thing works, but it seems to be something that is a hit with their customers.  They have even teamed up with a comedy club that supplies empty bottles.

Whoever came up with this million dollar idea is a genius.  Sometimes I think that all places of employment should have a smash therapy room in them.

Check out their website –


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