Book Recommendation – Under The Paper Moon

A few weeks back, I was a lucky winner of a Goodreads Giveaway. I received Under The Paper Moon by Shaina Steinberg and I have just finished it.

My first thought when I saw the cover was “Film Noir.” It had that 1940’s look about it and after reading the synopsis, I was excited to read it:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith meets The Thin Man ’s Nick and Nora Charles in this intrigue-filled debut from film and television writer Shaina Steinberg, as two former spies who shared more than just missions during WWII reunite in 1948 Los Angeles. Can they let go of heartbreak long enough to team up for one last operation?

It’s 1942, and as far as her father knows, Evelyn Bishop, heiress to an aeronautics fortune, is working as a translator in London. In truth, Evelyn—daring, beautiful, and as adept with a rifle as she is in five languages—has joined the Office of Strategic Services as a spy. Her goal is to find her brother, who is being held as a POW in a Nazi labor camp. Through one high-risk mission after another she is paired with the reckless and rebellious Nick Gallagher, growing ever close to him until the war’s end brings with it an act of deep betrayal.

Six years later, Evelyn is back home in Los Angeles, working as a private investigator. The war was supposed to change everything, yet Evelyn, contemplating marriage to her childhood sweetheart, feels stifled by convention. Then the suspected cheating husband she’s tailing is murdered, and suddenly Evelyn is back in Nick’s orbit again.

Teaming up for a final mission, Evelyn and Nick begin to uncover the true nature of her case— and realize that the war has followed them home. For beyond the public horrors waged by nations there are countless secret, desperate acts that still reverberate on both continents, and threaten everything Evelyn holds dear…

It really did have that “Film Noir” feel to it at times and wasn’t really a bad read. I enjoyed how the author gave us a look at the present and some events in the past that helped to move the story line and the mystery along. It all fits together by the end.

Honestly, whenever I read a spy novel set in this period of time, it is hard for me to not read the dialogue like something out of a movie. That being said, I always read the character of Nick like a Humphrey Bogart sounding guy. Evelyn was Veronica Lake-ish to me. The character, Katie, I read like an annoying school girl because that what she reminded me of.

The story took a minute to get going, but when someone is killed it begins to move at a pretty decent pace. There were some twists in the story that I didn’t see coming and I probably would have rated it a bit higher if I hadn’t been put off by some “over the top” and almost unbelievable things that happen toward the climax of the story. That was the only downfall to the story for me.

Over all, it was a nice Historical Fiction read. The overall rating on Goodreads is 4 stars, I gave it 3.5 stars.

Thanks to the folks at Kensington Publishing for choosing me as a winner on Goodreads and sending me a copy.

#underthepapermoon, #betweenthechapters

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