Friday Photo Flashback

This was one of those weird finds on the hard drive. All I remember about this photo is that it was taken at a time where my dad and mom were really into photography. They had bought some high tech camera and were taking pictures of just about everything. I remember they told us we were going to the “Flower Show” which was happening somewhere in Detroit. My brother and I did not want to go!

I want to say right here that this picture kind of freaks me out. Why? Because I really don’t think that this looks like me or my brother! I’m not sure if it is because we both are in need of a haircut or what! It’s odd to look at myself in it.

I do remember that jacket I am wearing, However, I don’t ever recall having a Jim Morrison shirt (at least I think that is Jim Morrison). Another reason why this doesn’t look like me – I don’t ever remember parting my hair in the middle! What exactly is that?!

My brother obviously looks thrilled in the photo, too! I don’t recall that jacket at all. How old are we in this picture? I just don’t know! If I had to guess, I’d say this might be 6th or 7th grade for me, but I’m really clueless.

And now for the elephant in the room – From what I remember, my mother or father (whoever had the camera) thought their two boys would look good standing with Miss Piggy in the middle of them. Urgh. Maybe I should have picked another photo…..

3 thoughts on “Friday Photo Flashback

  1. LOL… I love this odd photo! Miss Piggy…you don’t really see her at first…and then it surprises you.
    That has to be Jim Morrison or some parody of him.

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