Friday Photo Flashback

I was looking for a specific photo for today, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. However, while going through pictures, I found one that made me laugh out loud. The photo would have been taken around 2008-2009. At the time I would have still been with my ex.

Our son, Dimitri had wondered off while we were cleaning or cooking or something. You know how it is – when the kids get quiet, you need to go and see what they are up to. When I walked down the hall, I looked in the bathroom and could not believe what I saw.

There was toilet paper all over the place and there he was swimming in the toilet! I laughed like crazy. He was in heaven just playing in the water. I don’t recall if he tried to flush himself! I remember showing my in-laws this picture and they laughed just as hard. They actually had it framed and hung it in their bathroom!

No deep dive into the background of this photo, just posting to give you a laugh.