
Every once in a while I will get blindsided by something unexpected. Recently, I was contacted by someone who was given my name as someone who “would be perfect” for a position at their company. Not much was discussed over the phone and I almost blew it off. However, a friend of mine reminded me that one must always check out the opportunity whether I am happy where I am or not.

“I always go on an interview a year,” he said. “It keeps me in the eyes of people who might have a dream gig available. Finally, it helps me to hone those interview skills should I ever really need them.” Well, when you put it like that, I decided to entertain the idea and set up a chat.

After meeting with my point person, I can tell you that I liked him a lot. He has big plans and whoever steps into this role will play an important part in those plans. As much as I enjoyed our conversation, I walked out not really knowing a whole lot.

I came home and talked with my wife and we began the Pros and Cons list. There are plenty of pros and cons. One of the biggest unknowns was the salary. He had no idea what it was and said that if I was interested HR would contact me. In these trying times where financial issues are rising, the salary is kind of a big point.

Anyway, I received a call today about this position and I have all the pieces to see if they will fit into my future. I truly am uneasy about even considering this, because for the first time in a VERY long time I am happy with the position I have. I like the people I work with. There is a lot of flexibility with schedule (for appointments and other things), and I feel like things are moving forward in the right direction.

“Go with your gut” a former co-worker told me. As I thought about that, I began to think about a quote I had heard before. Upon searching for “Go with your gut quotes,” I found the one I was looking for and more:

“Trust your hunches. Hunches are usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.” — Joyce Brothers

“You must train your intuition; you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide.” — Ingrid Bergman

“Think for yourself. Trust your own intuition. Another’s mind isn’t walking your journey; you are.” — Scottie Waves

“Intuition is always right in at least two important ways; It is always in response to something. It always has your best interest at heart.” — Karen Whitaker

“Always heed a warning,” my father used to say. Your gut instinct will tell you when something doesn’t feel right, but your mind will override it and make you do things. Intuition is there to protect you from danger, and you should trust it.”
― Stewart Stafford

“Your gut feeling is a reminder to trust yourself.” – Anonymous

“A gut feeling is your personal GPS. Trust it to take you where you need to go.”

“Don’t be afraid to go with your gut. It’s there for a reason, and it’s usually right.” – Anonymous

“Your gut feelings are usually accurate, listen to them.” – Oprah Winfrey

So, I know what my gut is saying. I know what my wife is saying. I know what some close friends are saying. They all seem to be in agreement. The cons list is a bit larger than the pros list. I will take one more day to mull it over, but I think I may already know what the decision is.