Tune Tuesday – A Birthday Song (Sort of)

Today my second oldest son, Dimitri turns 17 years old. When I saw that Tune Tuesday fell on his birthday, I wanted to feature a song that has a connection to him. The one I have selected is probably unknown to you, because it was never a radio hit (although, you can hear it on the Disney Music channel on Sirius XM now).

At first, I thought about the various songs that I used to sing to the kids at bedtime when they were babies/toddlers. Each has one specific song that was unique to them (almost all are from Dean Martin). Then I recalled a Facebook video that recently popped up in the memory feed. Dimitri is probably about 2 or 3 in the video. He is sitting in his car seat and I toss the first line of the song to him and he sings the rest of it. I love that I have this video. If I could figure out how to get it here, I would, but for now, I will let you listen to the original.

Background. Dimitri was born in 2007. That same year, a new cartoon came out on Disney Channel/Disney XD called Phineas and Ferb. It is about two boys and how they spend their summer vacation. Every day, the boys undertake the construction of a grand project, or embark on a spectacular adventure, to make the most of their time on vacation. This annoys their controlling older sister, Candace, who frequently tries to expose their schemes to her and Phineas’s mother. The series follows a standard plot system; running gags occur in every episode. They built a rollercoaster, traveled back in time, created a beach in their back yard, build a pirate ship, have a chariot race through their town, build a mini golf course, and even a haunted house.

The song I chose for today is from the episode entitled, “Flop Starz” in which Phineas and Ferb spend the day writing a “one hit wonder.” Their mom has explained that the one hit wonder should have nonsensical lyrics and a catchy melody. When it becomes a huge hit, the singer should throw a diva-type tantrum that will end their career. Then the song would be featured as elevator music. The singer does one more reunion tour and never sing again. (They have no idea that their mom actually did have a one hit wonder and that was the path of her career, as we see it in a flashback as she explains to them.)

The song that they write, and ultimately perform on stage at the auditions for The Next Super American Pop Teen Idol Star was called “Gitchee Gitchee Goo.” Are you still with me? The more I write, the more I am trying to “edit” this to a simple intro … and cannot. So I will just move on.

This song is what led the creators Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh to create an original song in each episode of the show. For the episode, the song only runs for about a minute, but there was an extended version that was included on the Soundtrack for the show. I am not embarrassed to say that I know all the words and will sing along to this. For a cartoon song, I will say it is better than some of the songs that were actual hits!

It is hard to believe that my son is 17 today! There have been a lot of changes in our lives since he was singing Gitchee Gitchee Goo in the backseat of my car! Any time I listen to this song, I picture him singing it. It always makes me smile.

Happy Birthday, Dimitri! Sit back and listen to Phineas and the Ferbtones! I love you, kiddo!

Gitchee Gitchee Goo

Ladies and gentlemen, the Ferbettes
I’m Phineas and this is Ferb
And we’re gonna sing a song

Bow chika, bow, bow
That’s what my baby says
Mow, mow, mow and my heart starts pumpin’
Chicka chicka choo wap
Never gonna stop
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you

My baby’s got her own way of talking
Whenever she says something sweet
And she knows it’s my world she’s a-rockin’
Though my vocabulary’s incomplete
And though it may sound confusing
Sometimes I wish she’d give it to me straight
But I never feel like I’m losing (losing)
When I take the time to translate
Here’s what I’m talking ’bout

Bow chicka bow wow, that’s what my baby says!
Mow, mow, mow and my heart starts pumpin’
Chicka chicka choo wap
Never gonna stop
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you

Well I don’t know what to do (I don’t know what to do)
But I think I’m getting through (I think I’m getting through)
‘Cause when I say I love you (when I say I love you)
She says “I gitchee gitchee goo you too”
Gitchee gitchee goo you too
Gitchee gitchee goo you too
Gitchee gitchee goo you too
Don’t need a dictionary!

Bow chicka, bow, wow, that’s what my baby says!
Mow mow mow and my heart starts pumpin’
Chicka chicka choo wap
Never gonna stop
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you

I said bow, chicka, bow-wow
That’s what my baby says
Mow, mow, mow
And my heart starts pumpin’
Chicka, chicka, choo wap
Never gonna stop
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you
Baby, baby, baby (baby, baby, baby, baby)
Gitchee gitchee goo means that I love you

A Much Needed Break

I had a few days off over this past weekend and I got some much needed family time. The time started on a sad note, as Thursday morning, my wife’s family gathered at the National Cemetery where there was a small service for her grandma. They chose her grandfather’s birthday to go and have her ashes placed inside the wall with him. After the service, her dad said a prayer and everyone left.

Her grandparents are buried at the same cemetery as my mother, and my daughter asked to go see grandma. Last time we were there, she placed a heart shaped rock on the headstone. It was not there this time and she said, “Grandma must have liked it so much that she took it.” Who am I to argue with my daughter?

Friday afternoon, we loaded up the car, the kids, and the dog and made the two hour drive to my father-in-law’s place up north. I had been there once with him, but it was only a few hours. This time, we were all going to spend a couple days there. We were all looking forward to it.

The Michigan scenery on the drive up was so nice. I love those farm houses on the side of the road, the horses and cows in the fields, and the beauty of tall green trees. I love when you have to go from 55 mph down to 30 mph because you are driving through a small town. It takes me back to those drives up to Caseville with my parents when I was a kid.

We arrived at the cabin around 7pm on Friday night and we just relaxed for a while. It is just the way a cabin should be, cozy and peaceful.

We were all up early Saturday and the view from out the front window was exactly what I needed to see as I stood with a cup of hot coffee.

My mother-in-law made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. They were delicious! After breakfast, my father-in-law and I went to work. He has about 18 acres of property. He doesn’t mow it all, but there is quite a bit to mow. I hopped on the zero turn and he grabbed the weed whacker and we went to work on the yard.

I never saw the family leave while we were out, but after we finished I went inside to get some water and my phone rang. It was my wife. She said, “I need you and dad to bring the truck up to the merchandise outlet to get something.” I said ok and told my father-in-law. His response was, “What did they buy that won’t fit in your car?!” Well, I found out soon enough – and my son couldn’t be happier.

He got a Mustang long before I ever did! These things are like $200-$250 online and she got it (brand new) for $30! Yeah, what a deal!! There was a sale going on and there was also a 50% off sticker on it, so by the time the thing was rung up – $30! He was so mad that it had to charge before he could drive it. (The thing has a working radio in it!!!) Ella wanted to ride, too, so we went to the barn and got them one of the cars that were there.

We had hot dogs for lunch and then the fun began. My father-in-law brought out the four wheeler! To say that the kids were excited was an understatement.

I had never rode on one, so my father-in-law gave me a quick lesson in where the gas and brakes were, he placed Andrew in front of me and I was off on the trails and into the property with him.

Naturally, I went a lot slower than I would have liked, because I didn’t want him to fall off. He was so content to just sit there and ride. I’d ask if he was ok and he’d say he was and ask for more.

When I came back, Ella was raring to go. I really thought that she would be the one who was too scared to ride on it, but I was wrong. She hopped up and off we went. As we drove down the trail to the open area on the property she yelled, “Whoo-hoo! This is amazing!!” This filled my heart more than I can explain. Once we got to where the trail opened into the large open area, I drove her around and made little jumps on hills and such. She kept yelling, “Faster, daddy! Faster!!” She was a true daredevil.

As we were out in the field, we heard another four wheeler. Papa had pulled out the other one and had Andrew in front of him. Then it became a game. The two of us “chasing” each other, “racing” each other, and laughing the entire time! “Daddy, they are chasing us! Don’t let them catch us!” What a hoot!!

Daisy, our dog, was chasing us as we rode around, too. It was so hot and I can’t believe that she kept running after us. As soon as we’d pull away from the house, she’d be right on our tail. Running and chasing and occasionally barking at us. It was ridiculous.

As it got closer to dinner, Sam and I ordered pizzas from a place in town. It was expensive, but worth every cent. It was so cheesy and you could tell it was hand tossed and made fresh. They had these bread sticks, which were more like rolls, that had garlic and cheese on them. Oh, man! They were sinfully good.

It was a day full of fun. So much fun that we called it a night early. The kids were out like a light almost immediately. There was a huge car show in town that night, but there was absolutely no energy to go see it.

We woke up Sunday, Father’s Day, and coffee was already made. My mother-in-law made up some eggs and sausage. I was drinking my coffee on the porch and could smell the sausage from outside. This took me back to those days at my grandma’s place in Caseville. We’d be outside and we could smell the bacon or sausage from outside.

After breakfast, my father-in-law and I went out and finished up the weed whacking we didn’t get to on Saturday. After that we had to take apart some bunk beds that he was bringing home when we left. He had a rototiller that I needed to borrow and we loaded that up on the trailer, too.

While we were doing that, my wife was packing up and loading the car. My mother-in-law wasn’t going to let us leave hungry, so she made up some turkey burgers and we all had another meal together. When they were in town the day before, they had picked up a chocolate cake for the “dads” for Father’s Day. Before we could even slice it, Ella was eating sprinkles off the top of it!

We had promised the kids another ride on the four wheelers before we left, and they couldn’t wait! Each kid got a few turns riding with me and Papa. Before I put it away, I just had to go and take it for a spin by myself – so I could see just how fast it would go. Man, this one I was on really clipped! I can see how easy it would be to get hurt on one of them. It was extra fun for me to just let loose and be a kid again for a few minutes.

Just before we left, it began to sprinkle. There was a storm on the way and we wanted to head out before it hit. The kids kept asking all the way home when we would be heading up to the cabin again. After the fun we had there, I would imagine the answer is “Soon. Very soon.”

Next trip, however, I will be sure to wear sunscreen!

Songs From The Backseat

I had a day off this week and had a chance to see my daughter play T-ball. Before the game, we had to take a drive down to get my son’s leg braces looked at. The whole family was in the car and Ella asked my wife to play “I am a C” song. I had no idea what that was. She proceeded to pull up a YouTube video of a Christian song for kids. Ella knew all the words.

Sam was surprised I had never heard this one before. I’d been in Vacation Bible School and certainly had sung many of the familiar Christian kid songs, but never this one. It warmed my heart a bunch to hear her singing along.

She did pretty good at T-ball, too, this week! I snapped this one and love it.

She’s all SASS!

Meanwhile, my son Andrew is learning all about house repairs with my father in law. My brother in law bought a house recently and they are working on all kinds of repairs and updates. Andrew is in heaven because “Pa” is letting him help!

He’s right at home with tools! I will have a helper for life!

Friday Photo Flashback

I was looking for a specific photo for today, but for the life of me, I cannot find it. However, while going through pictures, I found one that made me laugh out loud. The photo would have been taken around 2008-2009. At the time I would have still been with my ex.

Our son, Dimitri had wondered off while we were cleaning or cooking or something. You know how it is – when the kids get quiet, you need to go and see what they are up to. When I walked down the hall, I looked in the bathroom and could not believe what I saw.

There was toilet paper all over the place and there he was swimming in the toilet! I laughed like crazy. He was in heaven just playing in the water. I don’t recall if he tried to flush himself! I remember showing my in-laws this picture and they laughed just as hard. They actually had it framed and hung it in their bathroom!

No deep dive into the background of this photo, just posting to give you a laugh.

Mother’s Day Recap

This was the first Mother’s Day since becoming a mom that Sam had the day off. I was so glad that she was able to take the day and spend it with us. She worked the night before and on the way home, she called and told me to make sure the kids were dressed. We were heading out somewhere when she got home.

I hurried and got the kids dressed, got myself dressed and was ready when she got home. She came in and changed clothes before we left, so I just assumed we were all going to go out to breakfast. Instead, she drove to the cemetery where my mom is buried. She told me she wasn’t going to let Mother’s Day go by without taking me there.

The innocence of my kids always chokes me up. As we walked up, Sam said, “We have to see grandma on Mother’s Day. She was daddy’s mommy.” When we got to her headstone, Andrew said, “I can’t see grandma.” That was the first choke up. Then Ella had found what she called a “heart shaped rock” and wanted to put it on her headstone. “I want grandma to have it.” Choke up number two. In the car, on the way out, Andrew starts to get upset. Sam asked why and he said, “Grandma can’t hold me.” Choke up number three.

When we got home, Sam got to see the gifts that the kids got for her.

They each drew her a picture/card and we placed a paint handprint inside. We bought her some hair stuff (hair ties, clips, a mirror, and stuff she uses to get ready). The kids also picked out a beautiful dozen roses for her. Finally, we made sure she got a delicious cake!

When our Head Start friend came over, we made feet flowers for her with her favorite colors.

After we opened her presents, she got to laid down and nap since she worked the night before. Then the kids and I went outside and we detailed her car.

We debated doing a BBQ for dinner, but she said she was really craving some Chinese food, so that’s what we got! By 7pm, the entire family was just exhausted and we were all in bed and asleep by 8! LOL

I am so happy that we got to celebrate her for mother’s day!! She is so special to all of us!

We’re Walking For Miracles

My wife and I have formed a team and are walking for miracles next month. We’ve put a team together and will be walking the zoo to help out our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

With all the recent medical stuff that has been happening with our son, this is a perfect opportunity for my family and I to say thank you to the doctors who have helped (and continue to help) him. It is also a great way to raise money to help other families and children.

From our work website:

Superheroes of all ages are invited to Corewell Health Children’s Walk for Miracles at the Detroit Zoo, Saturday, June 8, at 7:30 a.m. Enjoy the zoo for the entire day by walking the two-mile loop and exploring the zoo exhibits. Attendees will also enjoy complimentary refreshments and meet popular comic book and fairytale heroes.

Participants are encouraged to dress as their favorite superhero and will receive a superhero cape and finishing medallion. Walkers must register in advance and make a minimum donation of $12 for ages 13 and over and $8 for ages 2-12. Children under the age of 2 are free.

Each of us is hoping to raise $100 ($1000 for the team). If you are in the Detroit area, I encourage you to join us. For more information you can click the link here:

If you are inclined to donate to our team, drop me an email: nostalgicitalian@yahoo.com and I will send you a link where you can do so. If you want to create your own team of walkers, you can do so at the link above.

Thanks in advance! Hope to see you there!

Another Mom Memory

Friday before work, my son Andrew was asking me about something that we had put in the basement. I took him downstairs to look for whatever it was and I stumbled on a wooden chest which was in a box of things I have been meaning to go through. I opened it up and was surprised to find a few things my mom had made for me.

My mom, for those who may not know, was a big crafter. One of the earliest hobbies she had was ceramics. I don’t recall if she took a class or not, but she enjoyed it and made a lot of things for people. I have blogged about her ceramics hobby before and so that you are up to speed, here is that blog from 2020:

Did you read it? Ok, I can continue.

In the blog I mention that I still had a few pieces she made for me somewhere. Well, “somewhere” was that wooden chest. In it were 3 of 4 pieces that she made me. They aren’t in the best shape, and all of them are covered in dust from years on a shelf. The Frog had an eye busted off of it and is probably not something that can be repaired. However, there were other pieces.

First, she made my brother and I baseball mitts. These may or may not have been made before she really got into ceramics. Mine is kind of beat up, and there are some chips on it, but it always meant a lot that she made it for me.

All of these pieces are about the size of the palm of my hand. I make a mess painting a wall, so how she was able to get some of the detail on these baffles me. I did find the snail mentioned in the previous blog.

Despite the dust, you can still see some of the shine on this. From what I remember, by the time she got to making some of these pieces, she’d paint them and then they put them in an oven or something to dry and make them shine. I’m clueless of the process, but you can see the difference between the mitt and the snail.

Probably my favorite piece she made for me was a begging puppy. I’m not sure why, but it always made me smile. It was the first piece that I saw in the wooden chest.

I love how she painted my name on it.

In the previous blog there was a picture of the “Kissing Clauses” that mom made for Christmas. Over Easter, my brother sent me yet another piece of holiday décor my mom made. I remember she made these for both my grandparents, my aunt, and for us. My brother still has these Easter Eggs and it was so nice to see them again.

I’m almost positive that there were “grandma” and “grandpa” eggs that she did for the grandparents. I’m glad my brother has these, I’m not sure they’d still be around if I had them.

It is amazing how something so small and so trivial can mean so much to a person. As I opened the chest, I experienced surprise, happiness, and sadness all in about 5 seconds. I’m so grateful to still have these gifts from my mom.

Brief Life Update

This week, while it has been nice to have some new features to post here, I feel like I haven’t really told you what’s been up our way. It’s been a pretty busy week or so.

I had the chance to spend the day with my daughter this week. We went to lunch at McDonald’s (her choice). We went to one of the big public libraries that we had never been to before. They had all kinds of cool things for the kids to play with there. I could hardly get her to leave so we could go to the Children’s Museum.

At the Children’s museum, we did our normal stuff: the big water table, the indoor treehouse, played on the indoor ambulance, and went down the big slide. We took a detour and walked through another part of the museum which has old cars, old uniforms, an army tank, and other neat stuff. She was really fascinated by the cars, an old sled, and the old logging stuff.

We had a couple nice days where we got to sit outside and play. Both kids were excited to get on their scooters.

Daisy was loving playing fetch with her ball. I swear, she could play this all day. The school kids who play ball on the baseball diamond behind our house must have fouled a couple into our yard, because Daisy was chewing the cover off a couple of them.

She eats everything! Sam made the mistake of leaving one of the canvas laundry bags that hangs on our hamper on top of Daisy’s cage while we were gone the other day. We came home and that dog pulled the whole thing (including the metal rods) into her cage and chewed/ate it! Urgh!

It was actually nice enough last weekend that I was able to mow the grass for the first time. I am overdue to change the oil on my riding mower, so I hope to be able to do that before the next mow. It’s probably a guy thing, but I love the look of a fresh mowed lawn (even if there are spots because of the moles!).

The kids and I got to sit down and watch the new Bluey episodes. There were three of them – the third one being a “bonus” that no one said anything about. This little cartoon is something that I absolutely love. The extended 28 minute episode was to be the Season 3 finale and it was just amazing. It was so well done.

My buddy from work has a little girl and I was asking him how she was doing. He was talking about how they watched the new Bluey together and before we knew it, there we were – two grown men – talking about how great the show is. We joked and said that the show is an adult cartoon that kids can watch, too. It isn’t odd for my wife and I also find ourselves talking about the show.

The biggest thing from this week is that we took Andrew in to get more genetic testing. He is still having some issues and they wanted to dig a bit deeper. They are thinking there is a possibility of Muscular Dystrophy. Nothing is 100% yet, and we are certainly praying about it. We’re hoping that the results will help give us a few more answers and some direction.

I guess that brings you up to speed. Thanks for reading.

Recovery At Home

It was a long day yesterday.  We were on the road by 5am to be at the hospital by 7am.  Andrew’s surgery was at 9am.

They repaired the cleft in his throat without harming the vocal chords it was between.  They removed adenoids and shaved the tonsils.  It all went very well.

Waking up from anesthesia was very difficult.  They wanted him to drink something, but he wasn’t having any of that.  Even popsicles and ice cream didn’t phase him.  He just wanted to snuggle with mom.

We planned on staying the night, but once we got to the room he began drinking and eating.  He drank water, juice and ate popsicles. After a few hours, he wanted to walk the halls.  He wanted to go home soon after that.

His nurses said that the doctors had said if he did well, he wouldn’t have to spend the night.  He was discharged about 5pm.  He did sleep some in the car, which was probably good for him.  The rush hour traffic allowed for a good nap.

Thankfully, despite a sore throat, he was talking a lot.  There was some concern that the surgery would hinder his speech, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

The next couple days will be the hardest as far as pain and such.  We’ll continue alternating Tylenol and Motrin and hopefully stay ahead of the pain.

We thank you for your good wishes, your prayers, and support.  We hope this will be the last surgery for quite a while. 

Another Weekend Recap

We had quite a bit going on this week and even into the weekend. Andrew had a doctor appointment on Friday and I am still trying to process all that came of it. I went to work late on Friday and only worked a half day, which was probably a good thing.

When I got home, I still had a lot on my mind. As per usual, when I want to avoid thinking about things, I find something to do. Thankfully, the pictures we printed had arrived, so I went to work on our living room wall. We had not been good about printing pictures to hang, so we had like 4 years of photos to go through. Sam wanted to have four rows of five photos each. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it or not, but in the end, it looks good.

There are a couple canvas photos on the way for another wall. The older family photos will move into the front hallway.

Sam took Daisy to the groomer Friday morning. She was shaggy and Sam wanted her shaved. I wasn’t sure about that, but she truly looks good!

Since losing our one cat, our older cat Maizey has become more and more snuggly. I can always count on her jumping up on the bed at bedtime to be petted. She will often flop right next to me as I pet her. Many times, I fall asleep while I am petting her, but she’ll stay right there. She’s a good cat.

And finally, some junior high school humor to wrap with …

I was folding clothes today and stumbled on a pair of my son’s underwear. I joked that he either has some really bad toxic gas OR their is something wrong with our washer/dryer!

Of course, in reality, the dog probably chewed them up!

See you tomorrow!