Read More Books

About a week ago, my wife told me she wanted to read more books this year. She sent me a text with a book and asked me to get it from the library for her. She didn’t have a library card at the time, believe it or not.

I told her I read 66 books last year and she couldn’t believe it. She asked me how I did it. I told her than most of the books I read were actually audio books that I listened to on the way to and from work. I explained how much I really enjoyed that and how it made the drive go by faster. 

Well, she got herself a library card and downloaded the Libby app from our library. She began listening to a book by her favorite author and almost finished it at work in one night. She let it play while she worked. She then realized she could connect it to the car and started listening to it there, too.

I had mentioned that I use Goodreads to find books that interest me. She created a Goodreads account and it’s been fun to see her adding many books to her “want to read” list. Some of the books she added are ones I have already read. 

On Goodreads, because it is the start of the new year, they have a yearly reading challenge. 

My wife thought I was crazy to put my reading goal at 100 books. I figure I read 66 last year, I may as well try for more this year. 

Last night while I was at work, Sam texted me from work and asked if I had read a specific book. I told her I hadn’t and asked what it was about. She sent me the synopsis and I added it to my “want to read” list. Somehow, I think she may very well be the one to read 100+ books this year.

I am close to finishing book #2 for the year and it is a good one. 98 more to go!

Are you on Goodreads? How do you find the books you want to read?

9 thoughts on “Read More Books

  1. That’s a lofty goal but good luck! Audio books might be something I would look into and certainly are good for those with long commutes. I much prefer reading an actual hard copy book, but time limits how many of those I get through.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love hard copies, too, but I find it so difficult to ever let books I buy go that I’ve converted out of shelf-space necessity to ebooks 🙃

      We tried a joint audio book when driving, and it can be a great shared experience, giving fodder to discussions, too. Sadly, some audio books cannot be listened to while driving: we came across one we both felt had a voice fit for lullabies 😁

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m sure that’s true. The few commercial ones I’ve heard were good, but I listened to a work one once (customer service type info & inspiration) which was not only dull material but read by a guy who seemed to be just waking up and in pure monotone form! Some authors probably shouldn’t be orators!


  2. I love audio books…that is how I get to work and back without going crazy. Also when I go to the gym on the treadmill… I listen to them also.

    Liked by 1 person

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