Closer to Answers?

This morning, I had a telemedicine visit to discuss whether or not I qualified for ADHD testing. You may recall a few months ago, there was some discussion with my PCP and my therapist about whether or not this is something I am dealing with. I blogged about it here:

In the 45 minute call the doctor asked me many questions and by the end of it all, I was told that I was to come in next week for about 3 hours worth of testing. It looks like it is very probable that this is an issue for me.

She asked me about things I had really no idea were ADHD related:

Do I often misplace things?

Am I disorganized?

Am I quick to anger?

Do I often zone out when people are talking to me?

Do I have a problem with motivation?

Do I sometimes hyper-focus?

Am I easily distracted?

Do I drink a lot of caffeine?

Do I have time management issues?

Am I forgetful?

Am I impulsive?

Do I have trouble falling asleep?

Do I have mood swings?

Do I have issues multi-tasking?

Do I get frustrated easily?

Do I cope with stress well?

Do I worry?

The questions kept coming and almost all of my answers were “yes!”

She asked about my relationships with my folks, my wife, my brother, and my kids. She asked about family history and more. It was eye opening. I am sure that the testing and questionnaires that I will be working with next week will help further some sort of diagnosis.

She stated that in most cases a simple medication change can help with things. I certainly hope so.

It seems like it took forever to finally talk with someone. I’ll be glad to have some sort of answers in the near future.

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you … (head turns quickly) …. Squirrel!

11 thoughts on “Closer to Answers?

  1. Glad you’re making progress & addressing problems. Let’s hope you get clear answers soon! (For me, I typically answer No to most of those questions except ‘drink a lot of caffeine’ and ‘trouble multi-tasking’)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good you seek professional assessment. Many of the “things you do” questions can be answered affirmatively by folk NOT suffering any attention deficit – all are in bits and pieces normal to living in a normally distracted world. Good luck for a good assessment.

    Liked by 1 person

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